[Powderworks] Workers Jobs
Barb BBQ
barbsbbq at yahoo.com.au
Thu Oct 30 17:11:16 MST 2003
I am a Mum (which I love!), and I also work part time
at an exclusive girls school as a Library Technician,
which is just a job, and not really what I want to be
I am working towards a career in Art - Teaching,
Freelance Design, starting my own business (which is
--- Truganini <truganini at ntlworld.com> wrote: > Hi
> All these Astrophysicist mails got me to thinking
> about the different jobs
> we are holding down and also the jobs we aspire to .
> . . .
> I am currently working for a large faceless
> investment bank (and not
> enjoying it very much) meddling with computers. Its
> quite a big change from
> the plumbing I was doing for 12 years.
> If I could have any job in the world I would be a
> race car driver, not for
> the glamour or the girls but because it is such fun
> mixing it up at high
> speed on the track and I would love to give high
> speed rides to disabled /
> less fortunate children, it would be such a buzz to
> see their infectious
> grins afterwards (hopefully they wouldn't be
> traumatised by it!).
> I have also filleted fish for a living, worked in
> restaurant kitchens, been
> a service manager, cleaned up rubbish on building
> sites, made tubular steel
> furniture, done a couple of stints in retail and am
> currently investigating
> working for a company that make some very opulent
> and fast speedboats.
> Any one else feel like 'fessing up?
> Trug
> Nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground.
> ---
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Barb's B.B.Q.
{Barbie Edwards}
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