[Powderworks] future??
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 18:55:22 -0400
Got this from Tom Spencer, who is temporarily unsubscribed due to exams!
> Brisbane News 4/6/03, p.24
> In an interesting interview with Rob re: his book
> (which I won’t transcribe in full due to exam
> pressures) :
> …For fans of Midnight Oil, however, the news isn’t all
> bad. They may have lost one of rock’s most charismatic
> and recognisable frontmen in Peter Garrett, but the
> other band members plan to record together again.
> It will be under a different name, with bass player
> Bones Hillman on vocals, and the guys haven’t even
> decided what sort of music it will be, or whether
> they’ll tour. The only definite is that the band will
> live on.
> ‘I’m going to get together with Jim, Martin (Rotsey)
> and Bones in the next few weeks and start working
> towards some new songs’, Rob says.
> ‘The singers are still in Midnight Oil, we’ve still
> got strong vocalists, and the songwriters are still in
> Midnight Oil, and we’ve got this shared history. I’m
> looking forward to doing that.’
> The political issues that defined Midnight Oil will
> also still have a strong presence. Rob says those
> issues have never been more important to him, and
> expressing his opinions through music has always been
> his way.
> ‘We’ve always just made our music and put it out there
> and joined the chorus of disapproval’.
Thanks to Tom in Brissie!!
Jill in Atlant