[Powderworks] Best Oils album for introduction
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 18:29:43 +0000 (GMT)
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A bit late on this thread, but what the hey....
>>So maybe 20K RSL is a good intro album.
>> Randy
That one gets my vote too. I shared the Oils with some lads in Kosova last summer, and decided to leave them with 20K RSL and TRT as opposed to BSM, DD or some other more cohesive record. These fellas had never heard of the Oils, but their music really resonated with them given the tough times for Albanians and all. They seemed to like the Dead Heart (live TRT version) best, and we all had a blast singing and carrying on in smattered English and Albanian.
I'd say whatever record is used to introduce someone to the band, it's more likely to have the desired effect (ie total conversion) if some background is provided on what the band's about, etc.... not likely a problem for impassioned powderworkers!
>unless another one was more suitable to the particular person.
Good point. My students responded enthusiastically to the edginess of RWL, but sometimes have trouble at getting past the "80's" label of older stuff. Funny how these labels get dreamed up and applied, eh? GReat thing about the Oils music - like all truly great stuff IMO - is that it's got something new for you each time you listen.
ps would you introduce Breathe first to a friend who likes Hank Williams? just curious.
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