[Powderworks] taste of Chicago
Helstad, Jonathan R NCX
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 07:39:21 -0600
The website is www.wxrt.com
I'm pretty sure they don't broadcast online. I think they have an icon
called "listen to WXRT now" and when you click it, you will get a 30 second
broadcast of WXRT. Thus, you would have to click that button 180 times to
catch the whole concert. No worries, though- I'm pretty sure a lot of people
including myself will have people recording that show and it will get widely
distributed. Can't hardly wait! Jon.
-----Original Message-----
From: andrew pye [mailto:apye@bigpond.com]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 4:12 PM
To: powderworks mail list
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] taste of Chicago
> If the Oils are going to be at the Taste of Chicago on July 4, I would
> there's a pretty good chance they will be at Summerfest in Milwaukee too.
> More good news is that the 4th of July concert in Chicago is free and it's
> always broadcast live on WXRT. Slainte! Jon.
Does this station broadcast online? If so, what is the URL? Here's hoping
they give the Oils a run! Great bit of info Jon!!
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