[Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions]
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 16:50:40 +0000 (GMT)
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Yes, a lot of disappointment around here when _Breathe_ came out. Funny to=
me, _Earth and Sun and Moon_ seemed to generate a lot of complaints that i=
t was too similar to what they had done in the previous two albums; and _Br=
eathe_ generated complaints because it was too different! Of course, the r=
eal beef with that CD was that it didn't have any of the real strong power =
& passion rockers the Oils are real known for. Even _Blue Sky Mining_ had =
"Forgotten Years", title track, and "King of the Mountain", though most of =
the CD is more mellow.
I love _Breathe_. I love that it's so different, and what it adds to the t=
otal, overall Midnight Oil catalog. It makes the band a little more divers=
e and complete to me than without the CD. I particularly like "E-Beat" and=
"Barest Degree", along with "Underwater". I even heard "Barest Degree" be=
ing played over the speakers at a The Gap store once!! (And I heard anothe=
r track from the CD - "Sins of Omission" maybe?; can't remember - at a TGI =
The band members themselves don't seem to like _Breathe_ as much though, so=
I'll probably never hear any of its songs live again. I guess I'm lucky e=
nough to have caught the _Breathe_ tour though. Hearing "The Good Son" and=
that version of "Dead Heart" they did then sure were big highlights, thoug=
h the recent shows overall were superior.
-----Original Message-----
>From : =3D?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=3DF6rn_Blomquist?=3D <bjorn.blomquist@mbox301.sw=
To : Jeff McLean <jeffmof@replicant.apana.org.au>; Powderworks - Midnight O=
il list <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Date : 16 January 2002 11:45:54
Subject : SV: [Fwd: Re: [Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions]
>I think =93Underwater=93 is the only really great track on 'Breathe'! Noth=
ing less than a boring album (aside from Underwater)...
>I'm surprised that so many people now seem to love this album. What were t=
he reactions when it was new? For some reason, this album doesn't really ex=
ist in my mind. It's a Midnight Oil record that just is there somewhere, hi=
dden in the cd rack... I don't know but to me it sounds like something they=
recorded =93just for fun=93, like demos, or a rehearsal session for songs =
they never completed, or something like that. It's not a well-produced piec=
e of work, with a sound quality that sucks.
>It's not *that* bad as I first thought, and I must say that today I maybe =
like it more than 'Redneck Wonderland'. At least I do so sometimes...
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