[Powderworks] Random questions] breathe/time to heal
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 11:07:05 -0600
jonathon typed: << The band members themselves don't seem to like _Breathe_
as much though, so I'll probably never hear any of its songs live again. >>
don't give up hope jonathon, the oils played - time to heal - a bunch of
times on the US fall 2001 tour!!! and it was oh so
beautiful!! although it may have only been for the US fans get over the
whole "boo!... terrorism" shock/awakening.
but really i think they are merely just playing what they know is their most
popular with the majority of the audiences. unfortunately and unjustly -
breathe isn't the most popular.
----- Original Message -----
From: <thewave@oils-forever.com>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 10:50 AM
Subject: [Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions]
Yes, a lot of disappointment around here when _Breathe_ came out. Funny to
me, _Earth and Sun and Moon_ seemed to generate a lot of complaints that it
was too similar to what they had done in the previous two albums; and
_Breathe_ generated complaints because it was too different! Of course, the
real beef with that CD was that it didn't have any of the real strong power
& passion rockers the Oils are real known for. Even _Blue Sky Mining_ had
"Forgotten Years", title track, and "King of the Mountain", though most of
the CD is more mellow.
I love _Breathe_. I love that it's so different, and what it adds to the
total, overall Midnight Oil catalog. It makes the band a little more
diverse and complete to me than without the CD. I particularly like
"E-Beat" and "Barest Degree", along with "Underwater". I even heard "Barest
Degree" being played over the speakers at a The Gap store once!! (And I
heard another track from the CD - "Sins of Omission" maybe?; can't
remember - at a TGI Friday's.)
The band members themselves don't seem to like _Breathe_ as much though, so
I'll probably never hear any of its songs live again. I guess I'm lucky
enough to have caught the _Breathe_ tour though. Hearing "The Good Son" and
that version of "Dead Heart" they did then sure were big highlights, though
the recent shows overall were superior.
-----Original Message-----
>From : =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn_Blomquist?=
To : Jeff McLean <jeffmof@replicant.apana.org.au>; Powderworks - Midnight
Oil list <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Date : 16 January 2002 11:45:54
Subject : SV: [Fwd: Re: [Powderworks] Random ramblings and questions]
>I think "Underwater" is the only really great track on 'Breathe'! Nothing
less than a boring album (aside from Underwater)...
>I'm surprised that so many people now seem to love this album. What were
the reactions when it was new? For some reason, this album doesn't really
exist in my mind. It's a Midnight Oil record that just is there somewhere,
hidden in the cd rack... I don't know but to me it sounds like something
they recorded "just for fun", like demos, or a rehearsal session for songs
they never completed, or something like that. It's not a well-produced piece
of work, with a sound quality that sucks.
>It's not *that* bad as I first thought, and I must say that today I maybe
like it more than 'Redneck Wonderland'. At least I do so sometimes...
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