[Powderworks] long time no see
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 11:26:44 +1100
For those of you in Sydney, have you ever seen the 'Midnight Oil Show'?
I have seen them a few times and they really are quite good maybe some of us could organise a get
together at one of their gigs sometime!
Have a look at the site below and gig dates!
I have spoken to the lead singer a few times and asked if the Oils approve of them, he said that
they know of them and don't mind at all and i believe that the band we're at an Oils gig recently
and PG actually acknowledged that they were in the crowd.
Interested to hear your thoughts if anyone has seen them atleast they keep the withdrawal symptoms
away while waiting for 'The Real Thing' (Pardon the pun)
IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
Level 2, 1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde 2113
PH: (02) 9805 2384
FAX: 1800 352227
E-MAIL: lloyd_ian@canon.com.au
----- Forwarded by Ian LLOYD/AU/Canon on 22/02/2002 11:18 -----
The Midnight Oil
Show To: <LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au>
<oilshow1@optusho cc:
me.com.au> Subject: long time no see
21/02/2002 17:32
gday at last
The Midnight Oil Show
The new look site now with gig guide.
The Chisel Barnes Duo