[Powderworks] Mini-workers
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 23:58:58 EDT
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I've been in lurk mode but have come out for a moment, now wishing that I had
kids, if only to turn them on to the Oils and then have great stories to
relate here.
"The mister with the hat and a big noise" was so wonderfully apropos that it
made me smile all day. If there are any t-shirts to be made, that is indeed
the phrase that should go on 'em (and I want one!).
I love all of these stories. Just thinking of a little girl imitating Peter's
movements is a hilarious mental image, and taking a 6-year-old to live shows
definitely puts a person on the cool 'rents list in my book.
Thanks, too, for the ambitious live show list. I plan to peruse it carefully
when I get the chance, but it looks pretty darn thorough at first glance.
Hopefully, we North Americans will be able to add a few more to that list by
the end of this year (fingers tightly crossed, which makes it difficult to
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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=2>I've been in lurk mode but have come out for a moment, now wishing that I had kids, if only to turn them on to the Oils and then have great stories to relate here. <BR>
"The mister with the hat and a big noise" was so wonderfully apropos that it made me smile all day. If there are any t-shirts to be made, that is indeed the phrase that should go on 'em (and I want one!).<BR>
I love all of these stories. Just thinking of a little girl imitating Peter's movements is a hilarious mental image, and taking a 6-year-old to live shows definitely puts a person on the cool 'rents list in my book. <BR>
Thanks, too, for the ambitious live show list. I plan to peruse it carefully when I get the chance, but it looks pretty darn thorough at first glance.<BR>
Hopefully, we North Americans will be able to add a few more to that list by the end of this year (fingers tightly crossed, which makes it difficult to type).</FONT></HTML>