[Powderworks] NMOC - Enemies of Sustainability
Bruce Robertson
the_oil_fish at yahoo.ca
Wed Oct 6 16:30:10 MDT 2004
It somehow seems appropriate to address this post to:
Jules and my Fellow Polar Bears,
Mike B. addressed most of the questions below with far more eloquence and intelligence than I could ever muster, so I'll leave it be.
But concerning Julian's first question:
*is it ethical to put jobs before animal welfare?
I would have to say yes, provided the discussion is rooted in a more-or-less humanistic tradition. Perhaps I suffer from what Paul Theroux might have called the "Tarzan complex" (and am too dim to care) but I tend to wind up on the side of loyalty to my own species first, and I'll eat anybody who disagrees. At least most of the time, when push comes to shove.
bruce in calgary
"Julian Shaw (Man Myth or Monkey?)" <julian at monkeyfamily.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
Haha the thread goes on. I am not an expert on the issue but I think seal
hunting has similar issues to fox hunting:
*is it ethical to put jobs before animal welfare?
*or tradition over reducing animal cruelty?
*the debatable beneficial impact of doing it anyway (as in fox hunting)
*the often cruel methods employed (as in fox hunting)
But you already know where I would stand on all of these issues...
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