Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Administrivia -- the list must move, your opinions wanted.

Tim Hunter tim at refuge.Colorado.EDU
Thu May 13 12:38:36 MDT 2004

This list has been in existence since sometime in the summer of 1990.
For all of that time it has been hosted by the good folks at the
University of Colorado at Boulder, my alma mater.  It's now been ten
years since I left, and due to cutbacks in the Computer Science
department, I've been asked to move this list (and
enya at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu) off of their servers.

So we have a few choices.  The list can be moved to one of the
commercial mailing list providers (Yahoo!, Google, etc) that require
registration but will presumably attract more attention and provide
commercial-quality service; or we can put the list on a virtual system
rented by a friend of mine out of www.bytemark-hosting.co.uk.

It'll probably be another week before I go ahead and move the list.
The cs.colorado.edu folks will provide a forward for those still using
the old address.  In the meantime, please mail me (directly) with your
opinions.  I'll summarize next week.

Thank you.


PS: As Rhonda reminded you today, the current moderation-free address for
    the list is powderworks at cs-lists.cs.colorado.edu.  But please don't
    "test" this.  Content-free test messages drive me up the wall.