Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] HMMM..

mbtigger at charter.net mbtigger at charter.net
Mon Feb 23 14:08:33 MST 2004

>From the Oils web site..

*startling news
the techno cover of Beds at #6 in Germany

Might this be a good Spinal Tap "Sex Farm is on the Charts in Japan" moment?

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: worst case scenario (Kate Parker Adams)
   2. Re: oils live project (David Lawrence)
   3. RE: oils live project (David Lawrence)
   4. Re: Re: [Powderworks] oils live project (sweetapj at bellsouth.net)
   5. Re: Powderworks Digest, Vol 5, Issue 23 (j p niven)
   6. OILS SITE UPDATED!!!! (Aliester Crowley)
   7. RE: Re: [Powderworks] oils live project (Jeff and Jane Scott)
   8. RE: Breaking News - It's now official  (Jeff and Jane Scott)

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