Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Oils "Longboxes"

Chris Nelson sporto219 at worldnet.att.net
Thu Dec 30 07:52:43 MST 2004

To my recollection, the long box was just exterior packaging used to hold
CDs in jewel cases.  The longer box was needed to display the then new CDs
in the old bins that previously held vinyl albums in the record stores.

As the e-bay ad mentions, people usually just discarded the longbox
packaging after opening the CD.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephan Jänsch" <stephan.jaensch at gmx.net>

currently there are a couple of Oils "Longboxes", special CD issues,  on
e-bay, e.g.:


Does anybody own one of these? What else is special about them besides the
size (e.g. booklet, design) and are they worth collecting?