[Powderworks] (powd) French CD
Maurice R. Kelly
mkelly at deadheart.org.uk
Thu Apr 22 02:01:18 MDT 2004
On Apr 22, NISBETD at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 22/04/2004 06:11:43 GMT Standard Time,
> soberman_69 at hotmail.com writes:
> Today, I received an advance notice from CDNow.com or CDUniverse (can't
> remember which at the moment) that they are taking preorders for a
> French Oils CD entitled simply "Les Indespensables". Unfortnately, the
> store had no other information, other than a US price of $10.95. Any
> idea what this is? It sounds like another "best of" comp.
> Looks like a best of. Here's the track list from Amazon France.
> 1. Blue Sky Mine
> 2. The Dead Heart
> 3. Sometimes
> 4. Burnie
> 5. Brave Faces
> 6. Only The Strong
> 7. Bells And Horns In The Back Of Beyond
> 8. Jimmy Sharman's Boxers
> 9. Progress
> 10. Antarctica
> 11. Bushfire
> 12. My Country
> 13. Underwater
> 14. Safety Chain Blues
> 15. Redneck Wonderland
It's the strangest Best Of I've ever seen. What record company releases a
best of (which is almost invariably a cash-in) without the band's biggest
worldwide hit. And much as I like the songs, Bells and Horns, Jimmy
Sharman's and Safety Chain Blues on a best of - something very strange
about this album.
Either way, I've just ordered it.
While looking for more info about this release I decided to browse
Amazon.co.uk and I found a DVD called "Midnight Oil - Ultimate Clip
It's only 8.99UKP so I'm ordering it as well - the track listing is extremely
unimpressive (8 songs listed below) but I've bought it any to give the
band a bit of support here in the UK (probably a useless effort, I know.)
Interestingly it seems that 20,000 Watt RSL has been released in the UK on
DVD - it's available from Amazon.co.uk for 12.99UKP.
Maurice R. Kelly
mkelly at deadheart.org.uk