Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] lyrics help?

James Warren jimcwarren at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 12 06:06:09 MDT 2004

That would be way better, a great lyric and idea. "Everybody say God is 
a good man" means arrogant presumption on the part of people to even 
assume that God is a man. And in that light, the lyric "Is he his own 
man?" (as opposed to being the "man" some people presume "he" is) is 
brilliant. I hope it's what they meant.


On Apr 11, 2004, at 8:15 PM, Andy Gillcrist wrote:

>> 1.  Reckon it still is "Is he a Soul Man" on the original CD
> To me, this has always sounded like "Is he his own man?"  And I
> even thought I saw that written down somewhere, but I'm damned
> if I can remember where now.
> 	Andy
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