Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] NMOC: Will Hoge/Boston

ninas ninajill73@hotmail.com
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 13:29:02 -0400

i think it was about a girl - sort of like a story about her....

n 3/19/03 1:42 PM, Poitras, Pete at pete.poitras@the-spa.com wrote:

> Hey folks.
> Just got the new Will Hoge CD, been holding a spot in my car CD
> player even since, great disc.  But that reminded me:  Does anyone
> who was at the Boston 2001 Oils show remember what song Will Hoge
> sung about half of without a microphone?
> I listen to their first CD often as well, and just can't remember
> which one it was.  That really stuck out in my mind that night, how
> many other vocalists would keep going, literally pounding out the
> vocals, at a volume enough to fill the hall, when their microphone
> conked out?
> Thanks for any assistance,
> Pete
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