LMOC [Powderworks] Farewell??
Thu, 3 Jul 2003 09:45:22 -1000
hey man,
now there's an idea! do you remember martin on the trike in one of the
photos on the oils website (from the tour a few years ago.)?
maybe the band can turn up on stage on greenspeeds. now there would be a
turnup for the books.
pete riding a "pete"!!!! wicked.
>i am totally in. an oath is an oath. i'll bring the sombreros, you bring
the tanning butter. right now i'm sitting in a claustrophobic internet cafe
somewhere in ensenada, mexico, so anything is possible. maybe we can follow
the tour around on a squad of joffa's 3 wheel petes!! then back to sydney
to jam with those powderworking ozzie studio rats...let's go!
>bueno tardes amigos,
>el bruce
>Beth Curran <bcurran@columbus.rr.com> wrote:
>OK, Bruce, there's still time for you to get a side job this summer to
>pay for the plane ticket so we can keep that blood oath we've sworn.
>And you know darn well we're not REALLY risking divorce - it can't cost
>THAT much. Can it? Bribery may work. I can get anything out of Joe
>with the promise of something for his workshop - a new table drill or
>biscuit planer or dado doodah or something. Yeah, that's it. - Beth
>-----Original Message-----
>From: powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu
>[mailto:powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu] On Behalf Of dayne dale
>Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 5:42 PM
>To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
>Subject: [Powderworks] Farewell??
>Pete was on the Today Show this morning and said something along the
>of "I'm hoping that the Oils can do a tour to say goodbye to our fans in
>some of the bigger cities, but that's up to the other guys".
>There is hope, my fingers are crossed!
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