Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Concert dates needed

Oils21@aol.com Oils21@aol.com
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 13:48:13 EST

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Hi everyone,

I know this has probably been asked before and I apologize for it but I am 
looking for the dates of a few shows that I have on CD but do not have dates 
on them. They are:

Calgary 2002
Seattle 2002
MTV Unplugged

I know there is a database out there with these date son them and if you can 
send me the link, I 'd appreciate it.  I have been going through the 
powderworks archive looking for it but have been unsuccesful in finding it. 

Thanks in advance


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">Hi everyone,<BR>
I know this has probably been asked before and I apologize for it but I am looking for the dates of a few shows that I have on CD but do not have dates on them. They are:<BR>
Calgary 2002<BR>
Seattle 2002<BR>
MTV Unplugged<BR>
I know there is a database out there with these date son them and if you can send me the link, I 'd appreciate it.&nbsp; I have been going through the powderworks archive looking for it but have been unsuccesful in finding it. <BR>
Thanks in advance<BR>
