Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Re: Capricornia Book

Pew117@aol.com Pew117@aol.com
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 16:55:58 -0500

FYI, I managed to find Capricornia in my little old public library here in Peoria, Illinois. I could not believe it. Of course, they had to go into the stacks to get it and it had not been checked out since 1971. But they had it and it was well worth reading - the images still linger in my head and the songs on the Capricornia album are even more meaningful to me. 

If it's not in your local or public library, try www.abebooks.com - I have had some luck there with out of print books. 

Happy hunting!

Peoria, IL USA