[Powderworks] Oily guitars (was Capricornia Dreaming)
[name removed]
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 20:56:41 +1100
Yes This Martin acoustic is Robs and i have played it
and i did not want to give it back to him!. It's from
the 1940's and is very small though it sounds so
huge!. It has been used by the other boys on Oils
songs too, i think Martin (Rotsey! not the guitar!)
used it on Cemetry In My Mind if i'm not mistaken.
When we play together Rob always lets me use his
Martin and he just plays his black Maton that he uses
at Ghosties gigs!. I did tell him off one day for
leaving it in the boot of his car on a hot day for
about an hour!, i said you don't deserve a guitar
like that if your going to keep it in a hot car boot!.
This acoustic guitar is the coolest i have ever
played and i would sell my first born for it! without
a doubt! it's that easy for me to decide for this
you know reminding me of it is giveing me a
huge Homer moment!.
arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! drool!
>From: Bruce Robertson <the_oil_fish@yahoo.ca>
>To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
>Subject: [Powderworks] Oily guitars (was Capricornia Dreaming)
>Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 16:58:46 -0500 (EST)
>Hi Workers,
>Does anybody know anything about this Martin triple 0 that Rob mentions in
>the interview? They're the coolest little concert style Martins' ever - a
>sweet midrangy compressed and warm tone and LOUD little buggers - anybody
>got details on the one the Oils use? And maybe even on what tracks? And who
>owns it?
>Thanks if anybody can help.
>bruce in calgary
> pete mellor <pete_mellor@hotmail.com> wrote:
>A: "A Martin Triple O-18
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