Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Re: canberra fires

Eel Bonjack scissormansnip@yahoo.com
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 12:25:52 -0800 (PST)


> ATTACHMENT part 3.4 message/rfc822 
> Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:06:24 +1100
> From: Erin Oneill <Erin.Oneill@newcastle.edu.au>
> To: "<"<powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> Subject: [Powderworks] canberra fires
> Hi all,
> just an update on the fires.
> Four dead, four critical,  200 injured, 400 house
> burnt down (whole streets gone).  It looks like the
> little house I lived in as a child on 43 Burrendong
> St Duffy is also gone - we used to play in the pine
> forests that surrounded the suburb.  The Mount
> Stromlo observatory (the oldest building in canberra
> and heritage listed, with the 1863 'Melbourne'
> telescope) is  gone, and 1/3 of australia's
> astronomy with it.  the ANU says it will rebuild it,
> but they won't have the budget and the govt. won't
> give them the money.  All the workshops which were
> being used to build the $5 million camera for the
> 8.1 m telescopes in Chile are also gone, as is the
> equipment made for the 8.1 m telescope in Hawaii.
> The city went to black-out and the winds were so bad
> the firey's had to position their trucks into the
> wind to stop them blowing over.  One described it as
> a hurricane of fire - no spot fires, just this
> oncoming roar and wall of fire at 100km an hour. 
> Even the newcastle/maitland firey's said they had
> never seen anything like it.  Birds fell out of the
> sky as they could not fly fast enough to escape the
> leading edge.  The sewerage plant is out (and raw
> sewerage is overflowing into the Murrumbidgi), and
> the water catchment areas are very badly affected -
> water will be bad for some time, and water-borne
> disease is expected.
> And this is what our government wants to visit upon
> ordinary Iraqui's.

> ATTACHMENT part 3.5 message/rfc822 
> From: "Tribe Goddard" <daznsam@webone.com.au>
> To: "Erin Oneill" <Erin.Oneill@newcastle.edu.au>,
>    "<" <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> Subject: Re: [Powderworks] canberra fires
> Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:03:06 +1100
> Hi Erin, Workers
> "The sewerage plant is out (and raw sewerage is
> overflowing into the Murrumbidgi), and the water
> catchment areas are very badly affected - water will
> be bad for some time, and water-borne disease is
> expected."
> Apparently the sewerage plant has been repaired and
> there was no release of sewerage into the
> Murrimbidgee. We have been asked to go sparingly on
> the use of the sewers (short showers, wash in
> buckets and ditch the water outside, don't flush
> much etc) for a couple of days just in case but
> things look pretty good for the sewerage system here
> at the moment.
> If there are any Canberra workers out there that
> need a hand with anything please don't hesitate to
> give me a shout. I live in Farrer and though the
> fires got close there was no loss of property here.
> As you'd expect in a place like Canberra it seems
> that everyone knows someone that has lost
> everything. One of the most upsetting things for a
> lot of people that were in public housing is that
> they often had no insurance. It is expected that 1
> in 4 victims had no insurance, and things are really
> up in the air for these families.
> Cheers
> Daz

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