Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] No Mans Land / FTP

Dan Brunner dmanwi@yahoo.com
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 07:37:20 -0700 (PDT)

I would be more than happy to purchase and listen to
"official" Oils material if there was any out there. 
How about the band releasing the LAST oils songs like
the last live shows!

Will there be any archive releases from the Oils?  The
release of any live shows?  Particularly the last
shows?  Will they release any of the DVD's we have
been hearing about for such a long time?

--- Jeff and Jane Scott <jscott@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Speaking of FTP servers, I recently upgraded my PC,
> and consequently have a
> lot more space for the ftp.
> The details, for those who've forgotten, are as
> follows:
> scmods.serveftp.net
> Username: powderworks
> Password: truganini
> Remember that this is only available when I am
> online (which is several
> hours a day, particularly in the evening Perth time
> which is GMT +8).
> I am not entirely sure whether the firewall I
> installed with my new system
> is blocking people out of the ftp or not...  it
> shouldn't be, but then I
> haven't had anyone connect in a week either...  So
> if in the next 24 hours
> or so you do manage to get through, drop me a quick
> email.  Don't email if
> you can't connect, as that could just mean I'm not
> online.
> And as for No Man's Land, I still think it's a great
> song!
> jeff...
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> Powderworks mailing list
> Powderworks@cs.colorado.edu

Dan Brunner

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