Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] 10 years already! Clayoquot Sound Protest

James A. Smith jasmith@cim.mcgill.ca
Fri, 8 Aug 2003 06:42:01 -0400 (EDT)

Howdy, folks,

So I got to hear some live Oils on the CBC radio this morning.  It turns
out that this weekend is the ten year anniversary of the protests at
Clayoquot Sound in British Columbia, Canada.  So the CBC was broadcasting
a story about the event, the reunion this weekend and the continuing
logging (by Interfor) there.

Anywho, it was pretty cool to hear a live clip of "Beds" (the Oils were
touring Canada at the time and decided to stop by and support the
protestors; the "Land" single was recorded around the same time... in
Calgary, if I remember correctly).  The sound quality wasn't great, but
I'm not complaining!

If you're interested in finding out more about Clayoquot, check out the
following pages:

* Map, etc. of the Sound: http://web.uvic.ca/clayoquot/home.html
* http://www.clayoquotbiosphere.org/
* Peter Garrett at the protest: http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/clayoquot/pics/mocsdemo.jpg
* Another shot of Peter: http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/clayoquot/pics/mocstalk.jpg
* Sarah McLachlan (1): http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/clayoquot/pics/sarah1.jpg
* Sarah (2): http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/clayoquot/pics/sarah2.jpg
* A clearcut on the Clayoquot shoreline: http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/clayoquot/pics/shorecut.jpg
* More photos: http://www.bcgreen.com/~samuel/clayoquot.html
