[Powderworks] No more procrastination....
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 23:10:04 -0400
Nawwwww....I plan to loll in laziness for a few days, until boredom catches
up....not sure what to do with all this free time (I've been free for a
whole 12 hours now and already at loose ends). Big project for tomorrow is
egg-decorating with the munchkins. I'm going to decorate all my eggs to
look like Peter Garrett. ;-)
MOC: what Oils song would best accompany egg-decorating?
Time to start catching up on my reading of the five-plus books that were
set aside to attend to all the piling-up coursework. If we ever get some
decent weather around here - beyond one whole day of summerlike temps -
maybe I'll get some yardwork done too. No trampolines here to distract me,
Lina! But there's a kayak on the back deck calling my name, the river ice
has broken up, and the wetsuit's in the closet....hmmmm....or there's also
my bike. Anybody up for a bike or kayak camping trip in a couple months?
Kate Parker Adams wrote:
> Oh, so you can come help me work on my grant proposal ... lets start you
> out on the detailed financial sections ... BWAHAHAHAHAHAH