Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] Euro Tour Cancelled

afromme@gmx.de afromme@gmx.de
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 14:06:14 +0200 (MEST)

I also thought about that - maybe something serious happened.

But they'd hardly play the australian dates in November in that case, and
those are still on.



> I now have a rare piece : the ticket of a show in Paris that will never
> happen!!! :o(
> Something serious did happen?
> Matty S a écrit :
> > This must have just come up i don't know why but go tot he offical
> > site, sorry i hate to be the bearer of bad news. I don't know why this
> > has happened - again. Maybe its just being put off i don't know.
> > anyone?
> >

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