[Powderworks] Letterman folly
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 19:07:57 -0600
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I guess I'm as bad as those who fell asleep. Letterman runs from 10:35pm=
tp 11:35pm(or so) in my area. Since the guest band usually(almost alway=
s) plays at the end of the show, I set my VCR to record from 11:15pm to 1=
1:45pm thinking I'd have it covered. What happened?!!! Did they actuall=
y put the Oils on before the last guest? I'm truly upset with myself for=
not recording the whole show. I stopped watching my recording after the=
y started running credits after the last guest; I was bummin' hard. Coun=
t me as another branch on the DVD tree!
Bye for now,
Tim G.
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>I guess I'm as=
bad as those who fell asleep. Letterman runs from 10:35pm tp 11:35=
pm(or so) in my area. Since the guest band usually(almost always) p=
lays at the end of the show, I set my VCR to record from 11:15pm to 11:45=
pm thinking I'd have it covered. What happened?!!! Did they a=
ctually put the Oils on before the last guest? I'm truly upset with=
myself for not recording the whole show. I stopped watching my rec=
ording after they started running credits after the last guest; I was&nbs=
p;bummin' hard. Count me as another branch on the DVD tree!</DIV> <=
DIV>Bye for now,</DIV> <DIV>Tim G.<BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>