[Powderworks] Washington Compost Review of Capricornia
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:50:14 -0800 (PST)
RE: the rot in the compost review:
It's a no win situation - if the Oils had included some explicit commentary on a specific event like the WTC attack, then those same critics would likely have pounced on them for blatantly cashing in on the tragedy, etc. In fact, I remember PG being interviewed on Much Music c.1988, reflecting on how the American public/critics were saying the Oils were not relevant precisely because they WERE making political statements in their music. "who cares if you can play!" Like I said, it's a no win situation, critically/cynically speaking.
and therein lies the trap of cynicism, eh? Critics who believe they get paid to bitch...
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