Midnight Oil

FW: [Powderworks] Capricanada, eh...cont'd

Kate Adams kate@dnki.net
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:34:30 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

What about a combination feed lot and golf course?  Pointy-toed golf shoes 
available on request ... tip toe through the tulips, anyone?

Of course, this being Canada and all, it would have to be fully enclosed, 
year-round, and be attached to a large amusement park and shopping mall 
complex ;-)

--------------------------------------------------reply separator 
The most golf courses per capita in Canada !!!

  -----Original Message----- At 26-03-02 07:29 PM -0800, fish_oil@space.com 
wrote: >Hey, speaking of Calgary, our beloved Cowtown was just >voted the 
cleanest city in the world. We also have the >only completely Wind powered 
light rail transit system >in NorAm, and one of the best engineered and 
maintained >bike and footpath systems to boot. Not bad for a town >that's 
been trashed regularly for being the capital of >fossil fuel production 
nationally. We're also nicely >placed to take the lead in renewable 
energy >development, being the sunniest and windiest region in >Canada, and 
a high tech center as well.

  but do you have any golf courses?


Kate Adams
Doctoral Candidate - Epidemiology
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Department of Work Environment
What passes for youthful idealism in modern America is the fervent belief that
  one's stock options will someday be worth something.
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"

What about a combination feed lot and golf course?&nbsp; Pointy-toed golf
shoes available on request ... tip toe through the tulips, anyone?<br>
Of course, this being Canada and all, it would have to be fully enclosed,
year-round, and be attached to a large amusement park and shopping mall
complex ;-)<br>
Kate <br>
--------------------------------------------------reply separator
The most golf courses per capita in Canada !!!<br>
&nbsp;-----Original Message----- At 26-03-02 07:29 PM -0800,
<font color="#0000FF"><u>fish_oil@space.com</u></font> wrote: &gt;<i>Hey,
speaking of Calgary, our beloved Cowtown was just </i>&gt;<i>voted the
cleanest city in the world. We also have the </i>&gt;<i>only completely
Wind powered light rail transit system </i>&gt;<i>in NorAm, and one of
the best engineered and maintained </i>&gt;<i>bike and footpath systems
to boot. Not bad for a town </i>&gt;<i>that's been trashed regularly for
being the capital of </i>&gt;<i>fossil fuel production nationally. We're
also nicely </i>&gt;<i>placed to take the lead in renewable energy
</i>&gt;<i>development, being the sunniest and windiest region in
</i>&gt;<i>Canada, and a high tech center as well.<br>
&nbsp;</i>but do you have any golf courses? <br>
jeff... <br>
Kate Adams<br>
Doctoral Candidate - Epidemiology<br>
University of Massachusetts - Lowell<br>
Department of Work Environment<br>
What passes for youthful idealism in modern America is the fervent belief
&nbsp;one's stock options will someday be worth something.<br>
