[Powderworks] Seattle Moore Theater.
C-ko Linde
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 22:39:17 -0800 (PST)
Is the Moore Theater usually Reserved Seating, or General Admission? I only
went there once to see Tori Amos, and that was Reserved Seating.
If I get a crap seat because 1st row tix are saved for radio contest winners
in Yakima, I pitch a fit.
I can pitch a really good fit, too.
Oh, hoping for General Admission,
"It's hard to enjoy a $40 bottle of wine while watching a deeply troubled
woman screaming "BITH! HOAR!" at a one-legged pigeon for 20 minutes."
- The Stranger newspaper on Seattle -
....C-ko Linde......spinifex@speakeasy.org...............................