[Powderworks] Kids at Gigs
John McColl
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 15:41:15 -0800 (PST)
In my experience, the Oils shows here in the US are
nowhere near as wild (crowd wise) as they are in Oz. I
was down the front at a few shows last year and was
amazed at the ploite behaviour having been crushed at
the stage at shows at The Playroom on the Gold Coast
and at The Patch back in the "good old days".
Fans here seem to take more time to appreciate the
Oils and their music rather than getting pissed and
moshing about. Despite seeing dozens of shows dating
back to the early 80s at home in Australia, their show
at The Fillmore in San Fran last October was amongst
the best I have experienced.....the fact I scored a
set list and a drumstick only made it better !
--- Justin H <justinh@jeack.com.au> wrote:
> >I had my 4 year old daughter with me for the first
> half of the set, she was
> a
> >little spooked by the cows mooing at
> the............
> You took your 4 year old daughter top an Oils gig!!!
> And you sat up the front!!
> Geeeeeeez! Hows her hearing, did she have plugs in??
> Most importantly, did she
> enjoy the show or was it a little loud?? I havent
> even contemplated bringing
> my boy to an Oils gig, thought it would be too much.
> http://www.jeack.com.au
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John McColl
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