[Powderworks] Oils on Washington Posting
Felipe Castillo
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:13:05 -0800 (PST)
I've read the Washington Post review and I don't know if I what to do, should I laugh or should I cry?
Yes, there's no context, also this man have never listen to Breathe and its lyrics and of course he haven't read Jim's words about the trip to the desert.
Also he forgot the Oils biggest political statement at the Olympics, as all the beast media, they have ignored the "sorry" thing.
And now he ask why the band doesn't mention Twin Towers and terrorism, what he expected, an U2 like presentation. I can't imagine Peter Garret wearing a suit with the American flag and singing God Bless America and crying together with George W. Bush.... Short memory must have a?
Jim defined once the Oils as a protest band, that's very different to protest music. Also I think they have done a lot of good songs regarding international politics.
Maybe the question is why East Timor is more important to them than the USA?
I actually work in a Free Radio Station, I remember the trasmissions when the US government drop tons of bombs over Afganistan. I took my oils cd's, specially "countdown", so I could see how contemporary are the lyrics in that album. The two obvious songs in the air was Short Memory and US Forces.
Maybe if the oils had sang in the Tribute to 11 September Attacks Victims the Washington Post had put a PG picture in the portrait and the Oils will be as famous as infamous.
Fortunatelly this band has a lot of things to say, bad things and also good news and hope for a better future... that's what they don't understand.
See you around!
* escrutador *