[Powderworks] flog the other news...
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:18:26 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 20 March 2002, Eel Bonjack wrote
> but there was an ice sheet in Antarctica that was
> about the size of Rhode Island, had been there since
> the Ice Age, and now.... its broken up. gone. We are
> not making this up, folks. global warming is getting
> out of hand.
THIS is gonna bugger my golf game.
It's hard to think of global warming when it's -30 C on
the first day of spring here in Calgary.
BTW, I detest golf as an elitist waste of time, money
and earthspace, and even as an icon for the new face of
imperialism, conquest and debauchery. But I suppose all
of us capitalist co-accused belly up to the trough
after our own fashion, eh? Let's not be too quick to
stone ALL the golfers.
"Golfed once in the 80's and hated it",
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