[Powderworks] Capricornia
Silva, LB (Leandro)
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 14:16:35 -0000
Hey workers,
After listening for many many times as background music, yesterday I took
some quality time to realy appreciate the new album ....I liked it in
general (great lyrics, simple arrangements) but few things caught my
- Poets and Slaves. Great tune, and apart from the great usual (e.g.
Antartica) piano solo by Jim....this time there was a great guitar solo
(perhaps Martin) with slides and everything remembering of Pink Floyd.....
- The interview included was great! Is that also available in the
European/American version????
Thats all I can remember now....must listen more times (what a tough thing
to do huh ;-)
Cheers and peace,
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