Midnight Oil

SV: [Powderworks] Letterman and Luritja

Bjorn Blomquist bjorn.blomquist@mbox301.swipnet.se
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 11:25:37 +0100

What day are the Oils coming up at Letterman Show?

I don't watch this show often, but tonight I have to see it as Dave will talk about the award he has received from Swedish television audience (Best Foreign TV Person) - and he will show an Aftonbladet paper to the viewers!

Well, he HAS already done this, as the Swedish channel Z-TV broadcasts each Letterman Show one week after it was done.


> uggg - ok, yeah -i'm very jealous. i also went on the website to get tix for
> the letterman show, but never got a call back. i guess it's for the better
> since i live in boston and doubt if i'd be able to take the work days off.
> i'm kicking myself, though because when i used to live in new york, i worked
> just 3 blocks away from the letterman show.
> anyway...have fun. cheer loudly on behalf of all of us!
> -nina