[Powderworks] Rob talks about Capricornia
Paul Woodward
Paul Woodward" <woody@hairydonut.plus.com
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 20:43:06 -0000
Just watched the video link, very interesting.
I live in England and I was interested to hear Rob saying how ashamed he was
of the Australian government over the whole asylum seekers issue. This is a
real big issue in Europe at the moment as well and no government here has a
clue how to deal with these people. But the most common opinion that I hear
goes along the lines of "The Australian government's got the right idea"
and I don't think I've heard anyone slagging them off for it. Our
government just spent £100 million on a really top place to house asylum
seekers, with TVs, gymnasiums, video games etc. and 2 months after it
opened they rioted and burned the place to the ground. There's a lot of
really bad people mixed in with genuine asylum seekers right now and by
letting in the bad ones there are fewer places for the genuine ones.
Anyway, I thought you should know that there's no great anti-Australian feel
about this over here, if anything it's winning respect.
----- Original Message -----
From: "rick" <rickysan@speedlink.com.au>
To: "Kiri W" <screaminblue88@hotmail.com>; <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] Rob talks about Capricornia
> Thanks for the link, that is one of the best Midnight Oil
> interviews i've ever seen.
> I particularly liked Rob's comments on the asylum seekers.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kiri W" <screaminblue88@hotmail.com>
> To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 1:19 AM
> Subject: [Powderworks] Rob talks about Capricornia
> >
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Don't know if this has been posted before, but there is a great 30
> > video interview with Rob talking about the making of Capricornia etc.
> >
> > http://www.howlspace.com.au/en/midnightoil/interview-rh.htm
> >
> > As far as Capricornia being too "pop" for some people on the list. Rob
> > this to say.
> >
> > "This band loves the idea of being a pop band. We love listening to good
> pop
> > bands and sometimes we even think we can be a pop band. And in actual
> > we've tried this - both Jim and myself have put forward obvious pop
> songs -
> > and occasionally we record them. In this case we even got to the point
> > recording it at Festival as one of the designated songs and after having
> > completely finished it and having mixed it we rejected it again. So
> there's
> > a wishful thinking side to the band as well, but we always err on the
> > of something that's tougher and rockier."
> >
> > Cheers,
> > KW
> >
> >
> >
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