FW: [Powderworks] Well, about three or four of these came in today.
Jonathan Hart
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 21:18:27 -0700
MessageWe'll call it a draw. :)
Potato, potato, tomato, tomato. Let's call the whole thing off!
-----Original Message-----
From: powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu
[mailto:powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu]On Behalf Of Brian Huddell
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 7:22 PM
To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
Subject: RE: [Powderworks] Well, about three or four of these came in today.
This is a little bit serious, I guess, in that this guy I don't know is
telling lies about me to people, some of whom I do "know" in the Internet
sense. All I can say is that my account is accurate -- I said he appeared
"foolish" for not reading the message that he kept forwarding to us, to
which he responded "F*ck You!". My next message to him was also my last.
It was extremely sarcastic but not obscene or threatening. He wrote back
twice but I never responded.
Obviously I have all the messages to validate this, but I guess he could say
I forged the "F*ck You" message (the headers will bear me out). He can say
whatever he wants, which is a little bit unnerving. For the list's sake I'm
not going bother to defend myself in public after this because I know nobody
really cares, but I wanted to reiterate that I didn't harass this guy. So
far the ratio of emails between us is 3 from him to me, 2 from me to him. I
sarcastically called him a "genius" exactly 1 time. Exactly as many times
as he said "F*ck You" to me. I hope the rest of you find the idea of this
guy "politely" doing anything to be as laughable as I do.
I'm done with him, but be careful with this guy.
-----Original Message-----
From: powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu
[mailto:powderworks-admin@cs.colorado.edu] On Behalf Of Dale Ortiz
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 7:36 PM
To: powderworks@cs.colorado.edu
Subject: [Powderworks] Well, about three or four of these came in today.
I noticed all you can do is read the topics, not the messages. How do you
get on the message board? I also noticed that evil, evil little man Brian
Hudell had a topic on one of the lists called "The Unsub Chronicles". I
don't have a problem with this clown. He started it. I politely told him to
leave me alone after he decided to email me and call me an idiot/moron and
sarcastically call me a genius about 300 times. That's creativity, folks.