[Powderworks] Boston show
Kathryn E. Adams
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 20:29:15 -0500
Hmmmm ... WBOS doesn't list them as one of the acts ... where did you hear
this Nina? Just curious and excited since a couple groups with which I am
affiliated are tabling that day as well.
I surely hope that Earth Day Show happens with a night club chaser for the
new material. Massbike has bike valet parking set to run at the Hatch
Shell, which will make it possible for me to bike the Beds Are Burning Boys
on the tandem + burley combination that always turns heads (my bike hitched
to a trail-a-bike hitched to a bike trailer). Then the boys will get to
see the Oils live and won't whine at us because we won't take them to a
club show.
One disadvantage: We will have to find a babysitter for the evening gig who
can tolerate three hours of hearing a six year old repeatedly belt out Beds
are Burning with inspired mutant tai chi moves and grossly overstated vocal
characterization while his four year brother bangs every drum and pan in
the house and lays in one of the high harmony lines. Its cute ... ONCE.
Kate Adams
Graduate Student
Department of Work Environment
UMass Lowell
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