[Powderworks] Laughter would be good...
Julian Shaw
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:06:39 -0000
Welcome to the nut house Synne. It looks like you will fit in perfectly with
the rest of us "nuts"! Actually your e-mail seems one of the most sane of
the last week.
Julian Lewis Shaw
Man, Myth or Monkey? Find out:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Synne Hansen" <Synne.Hansen@stud.jbi.hio.no>
Cc: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 6:09 PM
Subject: [Powderworks] Laughter would be good...
> People laughing when you name Midnight Oil as your favourite would mean
> they've actually heard of them. I mostly get blank stares and "uh.. they
> some Australian group?". Just moved into a new flat with people I didn't
> know from before, and dragging my bags of CDs into the livingroom, was
> given a weird look. Did I really think it was necessary to share my
> music with the people? Well, yes, of course... Truth is, I have never
> met another Oils-fan in person. Have managed to convert my mother, but
> otherwise, I am alone. Sit in my room and play Capricornia (thank
> whatever deity you believe in for the wonder that is ordering stuff on
> internet), singing, dancing.. my roomies think I'm nuts.
> Ah.. must be this hell-hole I live in (Norway. Good social services, top
> class living, but the weather..). Or the fact that I live in a nation
> ruled by MTV and McDonald's.
> Maybe I should introduce myself. Name is Synne; I am 23, a student and
> journalist from Oslo, Norway. Have been a fan since.. oooh.. 'bout '93?
> when I accidentally caught the Oils' Unplugged on MTV (yup, The One Good
> Thing MTV ever did for me - usually I curse their awful butts for making
> me hum mindless tunes all day, just because my roommate is addicted to
> that Shakira-song and turns on the TV first thing in the morning..).
> Have seen them live twice - Seagulls, two nights in a row, december '96.
> And please - PLEASE - let the rumours of an European tour be true - I
> need my Oils. Anywhere in Europe, I will be there. Have passport (not
> that I need it with this Schengen-thing going on), will travel. A lot.
> Geez. Did not mean for this to be a long mail. Will stop now. Am crazy
> email-writer, who have been accused of doing drugs while writing many a
> time, but really, it's only the music. And some coffee.
> Later.
> Synne
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