[Powderworks] Breathe..
eX de Medici
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:54:14 +1000
Hi Workers,
I am not on your list but have lurked in on your fascinating discourses for
some time... and feel compelled to add something to the curious Breathe
discussion this month. I am a long time fan of lo fi music (The late great
(Aust) X, Gun Club, Haze Atkins, Wet Taxis, Plug Uglies, Slaughtermen etc.)
so I am clearly biased to this recording. Midnight Oil was out of my loop
but Breathe changed my mind. Rob's trashy and shonky kit is funky hipster
like Sly and Robbie, the guitars chainsawgrind, Peter wails those words, it
is almost live. For 25(ish) years, M.O. has provided us a mirror to the
unique complexity, (almost a running commentary) of the development of
Australian culture and vernacular. Breathe seems a respite from their rage
against the corpsegrinding activities of the Evil Ones (Corporations,
Racists, the purveyors of Greed, Avarice and Destruction). It is as the
title describes. In my opinion, Underwater ranks as one of the great Oils
tracks alongside White Skin Black Heart, Feeding Frenzy, River Runs Red,
Outbreak of Love, Antarctica, I could go on and on...Ian Burn drew something
different from M.O's historic practice. Change is always confronting, expect
nothing and there will never be disappointment.
Oils Rock!