[Powderworks] Breathe, Burns and fishy new address
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 15:59:16 -0800 (PST)
Greetings workers,
1. Regarding the sparse or rough texture of Breathe
(and other material produced by Lanois and Burns) let
me just say that "some like it raw." Sometimes less is
more. Admittedly it did seem like a strange kind of
production match for the Oils usual smooth yet savage
vibe. But I still find it highly listenable and lovable.
2. On a personal note, I am "the Worker formerly
known as bruce@oils-forever", now happily relocated
here in space.com. Some of my cyber mates had asked.
BTW, what ever became of my old @oils-forever.com
mates, Richard and Jonathan - are you guys still out
Sorry about the irrelevance of this post.
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