[Powderworks] capricornia
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 22:32:47 -0400
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Hey Larry,
Well said! I believe you're right that most people can't digest real
passion. Hence the vanilla-bland pop culture we find ourselves immersed in.
A radio station in my area has been giving Golden Age good airtime, and in
fact last week played Capricornia (the whole album) from beginning to end on
Saturday night. So, there is hope for radio. At least if you live in
"who needs a stealth bomber?"
From: "larry c ward" <wardlc2@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:25:25 -0800
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Subject: [Powderworks] capricornia
i think these blokes have out done themselves again. i mean this album
"Capricornia" is incredibly well written, as to be expected of course, but
it just amazes me. i mean has there ever been a band like the Oils in the
history of rock. i don't think there ever has been or perhaps ever will be.
i have seen these guys 3 times and march 19, 2002 will be # 4. if there are
any fans out there that haven't yet seen these guys live you must do so very
soon, their performances are in my opinion what other bands ought to strive
to duplicate, however impossible this may be. back to the album, it is just
a shame that the radio-waves are saturated with bull--it. i mean why do they
insist on playing mediocre songs from mediocre bands i would like to hear
some music with some soul and some guts basically anything off capricornia
would do nicely. my personal theory is that most people can't really digest
real passion they want it turned down all nice and pretty. well i just
wanted to voice my opinion. i have been a serious fan now for about 14 years
and going strong. if there is anybody out there that feels like i do give me
a holler. thanks for burning the Midnight Oil guys larry w from Riverside,
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<TITLE>Re: [Powderworks] capricornia</TITLE>
Hey Larry,<BR>
Well said! I believe you're right that most people can't digest real =
passion. Hence the vanilla-bland pop culture we find ourselves immerse=
d in.<BR>
A radio station in my area has been giving Golden Age good airtime, and in =
fact last week played Capricornia (the whole album) from beginning to end on=
Saturday night. So, there is hope for radio. At least if you li=
ve in Vermont.<BR>
"who needs a stealth bomber?"<BR>
<B>From: </B>"larry c ward" <wardlc2@earthlink.net><BR>
<B>Date: </B>Tue, 5 Mar 2002 21:25:25 -0800<BR>
<B>To: </B><powderworks@cs.colorado.edu><BR>
<B>Subject: </B>[Powderworks] capricornia<BR>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial">i think these blokes have out=
done themselves again. i mean this album "Capricornia" is incredi=
bly well written, as to be expected of course, but it just amazes me. i mean=
has there ever been a band like the Oils in the history of rock. i don't th=
ink there ever has been or perhaps ever will be. i have seen these guys 3 ti=
mes and march 19, 2002 will be # 4. if there are any fans out there that hav=
en't yet seen these guys live you must do so very soon, their performances a=
re in my opinion what other bands ought to strive to duplicate, however impo=
ssible this may be. back to the album, it is just a shame that the radio-wav=
es are saturated with bull--it. i mean why do they insist on playing mediocr=
e songs from mediocre bands i would like to hear some music with some soul a=
nd some guts basically anything off capricornia would do nicely. my personal=
theory is that most people can't really digest real passion they want it tu=
rned down all nice and pretty. well i just wanted to voice my opinion. i hav=
e been a serious fan now for about 14 years and going strong. if there is an=
ybody out there that feels like i do give me a holler. thanks for burning th=
e Midnight Oil guys larry w from Riverside, CA.<BR>