[Powderworks] Favorite Capricornia Tracks
Karen Matthews
Karen Matthews" <karen@matthews33.freeserve.co.uk
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 21:20:01 -0000
No-one else has mentioned it yet, so am I the first to get my copy from
Whammo? I got home from work yesterday to find a nice little parcel from Oz.
Also got the extra CD of Golden age as well - bargain!!!
My fav's are
Luritja way
too much sunshine
tone poem
mosqutio march
back off into the lurk zone now
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Heaton" <dnheaton@yahoo.com>
To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 7:51 PM
Subject: [Powderworks] Favorite Capricornia Tracks
> Hi there. I pretty much enjoy the whole album, with
> no clunkers. My least favorite tracks are probably
> Under the Overpass and Capricornia, but they're still
> great. Here's my top four:
> 1. Mosquito March
> 2. Luritja Way
> 3. Tone Poem
> 4. Too Much Sunshine
> Cheers!
> Dan
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