Midnight Oil

SV: [Powderworks] Lyrical prowess

Bjorn Blomquist bjorn.blomquist@mbox301.swipnet.se
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 12:09:47 +0200

Here is my top 5 lyricists:

1. Ray Davies (The Kinks)
2. same as above
3. Ray Davies (The Kinks)
4. same as above
5. Ray Davies (The Kinks)

Kinks fan, moi?!? :-)



> Here's the top 5 poetic flavours of the month in my
> head:
> ~ Iona
> ~ Bruce Cockburn
> ~ Bob Dylan
> ~ Mark Heard
> ~ Bob Bennett
> In no particular order, and excluding Oils of course.
> bruce