[Powderworks] Re: Madison Show Recap
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 19:37:04 -0400
Judy wrote:
> I got back from my Wisconsin trip yesterday and I'm still basking in
> the glow of the Oils show Thursday night.
> It wasn't even dark out when the Oils came on stage. They openned
> with Bullroarer, which sounded a lot better than it did in Milwaukee.
> Actually, the whole concert was probably one of the best I've ever
> seen. Maybe it was our position next to the stage in front of Bones
> and Jim but it felt more like a private acoustic concert than the
> usual pounding hard rock. In fact, the whole concert was a total
> feast for the eyes and ears.
<more snippage>
> During the song, Rob made his way on the
> stage (with just a tanktop this time for RHONDA, NINA & the other
> heterosexual female Workers...) and accompanied Peter for the last
> verse.
Thanks for the fashion report!!! ;-) You must have known I was
wondering! hehe
> I posted the few pictures I got from the Milwaukee and Madison shows
> at
> http://www.ma.utexas.edu/~judylai/oils.html
> Judy
Great pics, Judy - I think I recognize your group...you weren't too far
away from where we were. Thanks for sharing them, and for the concert
review...the fact that I was NOT in Madison was all I could think about
Thursday night! Next time I'll have to plan my vacation a *little* better.
Take care,