[Powderworks] Golden Age/Concept Album
Julian Shaw
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 22:42:38 -0000
I would take it to mean an pre-planned album based around a concept or an
idea. The whole album would have a story before all the songs were written.
The songs would then be written with a purpose. It would flow musically and
lyrically from song to song and would quite often have recurring themes or
lines of music. Quite often concept albums have very long songs but this
does not have to be the case. They also often explore different types of
music and exploit new sounds - anything to get the "story" correct.
It looks like Capricornia is a concept album to a degree as some other Oils
records are (Redneck for the subject matter and Red Sails for the sounds).
It was based on the book of the same name. But I don't think they have
really pushed it that far as yet. They may be afraid that what they do best
is songs and doing a concept album could effect the quality of the songs.
Julian Lewis Shaw
Man, Myth or Monkey? Find out:
----- Original Message -----
From: <LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au>
To: "Julian Shaw" <julian@monkeyfamily.freeserve.co.uk>
Cc: "Powderworks Mailing List" <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>;
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Powderworks] Golden Age/Concept Album
> Pardon my ignorrance, but what is a concept album?
> IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
> CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
> Level 2, 1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde 2113
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> "Julian Shaw"
> <julian@monkeyfamily.freese To:
"Powderworks Mailing List"
> rve.co.uk>
> Sent by: cc:
> powderworks-admin@cs.colora Subject:
[Powderworks] Golden Age/Concept
> do.edu Album
> 01/02/2002 08:35
> I feel like a kid again. I just downloaded the mp3 of Golden Age....I had
> heard the Real Audio but this just brought things home...a new Oils album
> coming soon and one that could be their best ever. I'm in love with music
> once more! This song is classic Oils - fantastic riff, with power and
> (and no cheesy lyrics!) - awesome. I love it, my mum will love it,
> I know will love it...
> I can't wait!
> Jim mentioned in the blurb that he had hoped that Capricornia could have
> been more of a concept album. I know that this may not be popular with
> of you but this is something I would really like to see the Oils do before
> they split (they will have to one day - or do they?!). I think they have
> much to offer by expanding themselves, just as songs like Jimmy Sharmans
> Boxers, Shipyards of New Zealand and some of the outtakes from Redneck
> shown. Lets face it Red Sails was almost there. But I'm sure if they did
> now they could pull it off. An example of a great concept album that I
> across recently is Suzannah Suite by Robbie James - highly recommended if
> people want to check it out (and Robbie is so nice to chat with!:-)):
> http://www.ganggajang.com/rj_pages/rj_suzst.htm It basically tells the
> of Suzannah a convict who is sent across to Australia in the first fleet.
> The story is something that certainly couldn't have been told in just a
> songs. Jim if you are listening...just for one album I'm sure you can
> the arms of Rob, Bones, Pete and Martin...
> Hitting play again...
> Julian Lewis Shaw
> Man, Myth or Monkey? Find out:
> http://www.jlshaw.co.uk
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