[Powderworks] Oils and SO's
Fri, 1 Feb 2002 08:12:37 +1100
I can say that Martin definately is married as my friends wife use to teach one of his daughters and
he actually went to the parent teacher night!
I was telling him about it when a met the guys backstage during the Real Thing gigs at the State
Theatre in Sydney.
I also know PG is married with a couple of kids, his wifes name is Dorris!
Bones mentioned to me once about the family and how he has to get home early now from gigs and
stuff, so he must be, and i'm not sure about Rob or Jim, although i think that Rob has a couple of
Hope this helps a bit!
IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
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"Andy Gillcrist"
<andrewg@nwlink.com> To: <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent by: cc:
powderworks-admin@cs.co Subject: [Powderworks] Oils and SO's
01/02/2002 05:43
Please respond to
With all this talk about how hot PG is or isn't, it occurred to me that in
everything I've ever read, seen, or heard about the Oils, not once have
I ever noticed any mention at all about whether any of the guys are
married or have significant others. I'm sure none of them are married,
but what about girlfriends back home? In every port? Coming along
with the tour? Who knows?
Just thought the lack of information is a bit odd, since with celebs, folks
are usually all over the relationship angle. Which begs the question of
whether the Oils are celebs... to us they are, of course...
I'm lying back in a row of timber
Cases placed out on the dock with
Nightmare faces looking at me
And I can see now
And I wanna be free now...
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