[Powderworks] Too Much Sunshine
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:45:02 -0500
yeah - batik is like tie dying. difference is instead of tieing the fabric,
you wax it.
on 1/31/02 11:37 AM, brubin@kayescholer.com at brubin@kayescholer.com wrote:
> <itıs a breeze timorese apec speak
> wear batik seen not heard>
> Well I wasn't sure what "batik" was so I looked it up. For those of you
> who don't know, Webster's has the following to say: "an Indonesian method
> of hand printing textiles by coating with wax the parts not to be dyed."
> Is apec an acronym for something? In the back of my mind something is
> telling me that it's one of those large scale economic conferences...I
> really need to read the paper more :)
> Ben
> NY
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