[Powderworks] Midnight Oil as a Boy Band
j p niven
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:36:42 -0800
At 6:11 PM -0700 1/30/02, powderworks-request@cs.colorado.edu wrote:
>Midnight Oil as a boy band?
>How would Teen People handle this? (teen magazine in the states)
haha! This reminded me of the following snippet I wrote to a friend
of mine a few years back:
>The casual observer might think Midnight Oil are like the Backstreet
>Boys because
>there are five of them, and Yes! they are boys. But then the casual
>observer would
>be mistaken:
>**Why Midnight Oil are better than Backstreet Boys**
>1) Duh! Because the compiler of this list is biased
>2) none of the BB will ever come close to dancing like Pete Garrett
>3) MO have the cooler accents
>4) [very key point here] MO have Martin Rotsey
>5) BB will never get to be on any cheesy 80's video shows
Friend replied thusly:
>if MO ever graced the pages of Tiger Beat magazine, then I would
>quite simply have to buy a copy.
Huhm, somewhere in a parallel universe...
ps. maybe it's time for another "Sexy Oils" PW poll?!