[Powderworks] Spiritual Magic giveaway
Jeff and Jane Scott
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:34:57 +0800
g'day all
i'm back online again at last. the borrowed PC i've been using didn't have
any sound, so it's only this morning that i've been able to finally hear
the new tracks on the oils site (now playing in a continuous loop)! and
there was a Neil Murray webcast on tuesday that i couldn't hear either!
anyway, it means i can pick a winner at last for the Spiritual Magic CD
as usual i've gone and put myself into the difficult position of only being
able to pick one winner from the many great entries.
here's a selection of the best:
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when your sisters
tell you to stop spreading your fingers and waving your hands rapidly every
time you start talking!
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when..........you
visit a place that is mentioned in an Oils song, you get this compulsive,
involuntary urge to have your picture taken next to a sign of the place you
are at, and then having to explain to your non-Oils friends the significance
of the place, only to be greeted with bewildered looks and apathetic "tsk,
tsk, tsk" sounds.
For example -
Burnie, Coolangatta, Chatswood, Powderworks (Road), Bondi, Kosciuszko,
Dobroyd Point, Lismore, Alice Springs, Pyrmont, ......and many many more
(opportunities to annoy one's fellow travelling
friends, that is)
ps. this is a perfectly normal thing to do right ? Right ? Anyone ?
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when your teenage
kids say they hate the Oils and you catch them singing and they know all
the words when your back is turned........
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when your
friends ask you what you just said every 10 minutes and you have to
explain to them that you were just humming a Midnight Oil song!
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when...
... when you hear 'Dreamworld' on the radio and get really annoyed because
Britney comes up directly afterwards where you were expecting 'Arctic World'
... when you wake up in the middle of the night and realize you've been
dreaming about Ned Kelly swinging robbers by holding their tails!
... when you like, you know, just see little green men dancing in front of
your eyes and the doctor says "spin it in 33 1/3 please" and you try to
protest mildly by answering "no! it is a 45 rpm-record! 'Blossom and Blood'
is SUPPOSED to sound like that!" and, and... aaahhh!!!
... when you feel it really is time for going to the toilet after the next
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when you shave in
the morning and don't stop
until there is no hair left on your head!
"You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when..."
You tell your child it's time for bed, and the sung response is "The time
has come . . ."
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when..."
- You can identify every song within the first few notes of its being played.
- Even your dog knows all the lyrics.
- When waiting for the bus, you have your hands in your coat pockets
secretly practising the chords to "Burnie" (true story!) [note from jeff -
this can make you go blind, you know!]
- Not only do you have a "home", "car", and "work" copy of each album, you
also keep a mix tape of your favourite Oils songs with you at all times...
just in case.
- Friends and family have suggested counselling.
- You had to get a pair of earphones surgically removed. They were attached
to a tape player that had "10,9,8.." playing on repeat. The tape actually
wore out before you realised anything was wrong.
- For you, the phrases "Too Much" and "Midnight Oil" only make sense
together when you put "Sunshine by" between them.
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when...Hell freezes
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when...Britney
Spears covers Beds
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when...you can
conceive that improbable situation.
You know you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil when...You're
kidding. There are other bands??
and the winner is!!!......(insert Power and the Passion drum solo
You know when you've been listening to too much Midnight Oil,
when your newborn baby's first words are...."No conversation
as you go, there's so much space the heat moves you.........."
from Stephen Scott
i'd like to point out that Stephen and I are not related, it's just a
coincidence! But with a two-and-half-year-old (whose favourite song is
Bakerman) and a three-week-old in the house, i couldn't go past his answer!
Stephen, drop me a line with your mailing address and i'll get your CD in
the mail asap.
Hope everyone enjoyed that and got a few chuckles. look out for another CD
giveaway here soon! (well, before the end of the year at least!)