[Powderworks] Strict rules available from Skinnyfish music
Marianne Gardner
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 18:14:07 -0500
Thank you for posting this: I had looked for this book for a while, but
couldn't find it. I just received it today and already read several
chapters! Interesting reading, e.g. the story of Charlie McMahon, whose name
I'd only heard on the 'Unplugged' version of the Dead Heart.
McMillan really gives you a great sense of what the land and its people are
like, apart from the stories about the Oils....which were the first
attraction of course:-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vesa Laine" <Vesa.Laine@mbnet.fi>
To: "Powderworks mailing list" <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:16 PM
Subject: [Powderworks] Strict rules available from Skinnyfish music
> Hi powdies, I'm sure many of you find this interesting:
> The last remaining copies of "Strict rules", Andrew McMillan's book about
> "Black fella, white fella" tour, are now available from Skinnyfish music.
> can order from their web site <http://www.skinnyfishmusic.com.au>. The
> is US $22. Andrew's new book "An intruder's guide to East Arnhem land" is
> also available, as will all his future products.
> Skinnyfish music specializes in Aboriginal music, so take a look if you're
> interested. They have them all...
> Vesa
> P.S. Thanks to Jill Sweetapple for helping me to get in touch with Andrew!
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