[Powderworks] Oils on Letterman & other stuff...
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:26:35 -0000
guess i agree with both of you. he is always wonderful to look at because he
is so unusual and whether or not i find him disturbing or attractive depends
largely on context and expression. in pictures where he's laughing or smiling
sure i think he's attractive but when he's onstage and dancing then the tall,
bald and chiseled thing is a little bit scary. especially when you watch the
other members swerving out of his way. i have to say that i was amazed at how
good he looked at the last show given that it was at least 10 years since i'd
seen them. guess he must be avoiding the sun.
mdntoil <ninajill73@hotmail.com> said:
> >PG is pretty disturbing to look at - I think that's part of
> > what makes him such a great entertainer!
> disturbing!? no no no - as a female 'worker, i have to say that he's hot!
> (chiseled cheek bones, green eyes, imposing height...anything but
> disturbing... and i am a sucker for bald heads!)
> come on - any other fellow women out there who want to back me up?
> -nina